
Found a nice doodle blog-------> [Jeansbeans]

Jeansbeans is a blog filled with little drawings about anything and everything.

Her drawings are awesomely cute and nice! 




As her mentioned in her blog, this is some quick practice, didn’t finish yet.

But I think it's perfectly nice with the big-innocent-sad eyes.

Why I say so? look at the light blue color around the eyes, it's like the tears rolling around the eyes, this represent sadness, agree?

Even there is no visibly teardrops on the face but I could feel the sadness from the eyes. 

Just a simple drawing but it's fully consistent with my feelings right now.

I wish I could draw something like this to represent my mood instead of writing since I'm not that good in writing.(I'm not good in drawing too!!=(( )





"I love getting texts from you", everyone has the person that they care and love getting texts/calls or whatever from them.

For me, It's not just for male-female-relationship, it can be in friendship too.

Hmm, there are someone that scared to text as they worried too much, eg 'she/he might be busy so better don't disturb', 'why must I text first, she/he will text me if she/he miss me','she/he not in a good mood so better don't text'...

And many other different kind of reasons caused them refuse to text. I hates those stupid excuses that might caused the bad influence of the relationship/friendship between two people.

When you're getting less and less texts/calls from someone, does this mean that the care from someone has declined too? =(((

A texts can really show the infinite concern and care than you can imagine. You'll never know how's the feeling when other get your texts and it may brighten up their day with 'loves'. So DO NOT hesitate to text someone you really care. 





It's cute right? a lil note that write down the things that you wanna do with your loved one.

Kinda sweet..



Noticed those advertisements that people paste on street poles and pillars that have the small tabs that you can pull off which consists of the contact of the people?

And the blogger decided to make her own version too! Soooo creative!!




It's 9.15am now. I woke up in the early morning(8am) for some purpose of course. There is some free time after I done my 'purpose', since I couldn't get back to sleep so I am here.

I'm having poor sleep quality recently. Poor sleep quality I mean includes insomnia and nightmares. I couldn't sleep well every nights because I think a lots when I‘m on bed. Even when I fall sleep, nightmares the thing that bothered me. I dreamed A LOT! 

Because of poor sleep quality and it caused terrible headache everyday. 


Found an article online:

[Poor sleep quality can occur as a result of sleep apnea or major depression. Poor sleep quality is caused by the individual not reaching stage 4 or delta sleep which has restorative properties. There are, however, people who are unable to achieve stage 4 sleep due to brain damage who still lead perfectly normal lives.

Sleep apnea is a condition that occurs when a sleeping person's breathing is interrupted, thus interrupting the normal sleep cycle. With the obstructive form of the condition, some part of the sleeper's respiratory tract loses muscle tone and partially collapses. People with obstructive sleep apnea often do not remember awakening or having difficulty breathing, but they complain of excessive sleepiness during the day. Central sleep apnea interrupts the normal breathing stimulus of the central nervous system, and the individual must actually wake up to resume breathing. This form of apnea is often related to a cerebral vascular condition, congestive heart failure, and premature aging.

Major depression leads to alterations in the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary causing excessive release of cortisol which can lead to poor sleep quality. Nocturnal polyuria or excessive nighttime urination can be very disturbing to sleep. Nocturnal polyuria can be nephrogenic (related to kidney disease) or it may be due to prostate enlargement or hormonal influences. Deficiencies in vasopressin, which is either caused by a pituitary problem or by insensitivity of the kidney to the effects of vasopressin, can lead to nocturnal polyuria. Excessive thirst or the use of diuretics can also cause these symptoms]

[Nightmares are a common cause of poor sleep, because they provoke troubled dreamers to put off their bedtimes until later at night to avoid dreaming. Worse, if awakened at night by troubling images, they may find it difficult if not impossible to return to sleep.]


Hmm, this freaked me out. Just couldn't sleep well at night, I thought it was normal and nothing to be worries for, but it seems not as easy as I think.

But of course, I don't think I'm having major depression, it's too serious for me. I'm just think a little more than normal. And as well as 'sleep apnea' which is the condition that occurs when a sleeping person's breathing is interrupted. Well, I'm having difficulty breathing sometimes but I think it's because of...................... something that will caused stuffy nose and then caused difficulty breathing. 

I hardly fall asleep, but when I get into it, nightmares started to torturing whole night.

Insomnia stopping me from sleep ; Nightmares stopping me from getting a full night rest =((

Stop torturing me GOD.. Insomnia and nightmares?! I don't want BOTH!!! 


Recently, I don't even sleep more than 5 hours a day. T_T

My eyes was tired of........ My brain was tired of....... and as well as my heart!!! But I just couldn't sleep well!!!!

I wish to have a good sleep and everything will be settled very soon.



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